Experts gather in Westminster to explore new ways to tackle inequalities and boost growth

The House of Commons was the venue for a roundtable event hosted by The University of Manchester to examine how ‘place-based’ policy can make a real difference in reducing inequalities and boosting growth and productivity across the country.

A place-based approach recognises that national policies and strategies may not be appropriate for every locality, and that a more tailored method is often required to address the specific needs and challenges of different communities, using local knowledge and evidence.

Organised by the University’s policy engagement unit, Policy@Manchester, the event brought together parliamentarians, academics, business leaders, economists, think tanks, charities and others to discuss place-based issues related to health, education, sustainability and economic disparities.

It followed the recent launch of Power in Place, a collection of nine articles from University of Manchester academics focussing on regional inequalities and levelling up.

Several of the speakers at the roundtable also contributed to the 44-page document which was published just days before the death of former Head of the Civil Service, Lord Kerslake, who wrote the foreword.  

Louisa Dawes, Senior Lecturer in Education, The University of Manchester, speaking at the Policy@Manchester roundtable in Westminster    

They included Dr Jamie Anderson, Research Fellow in Geography at The University of Manchester, who said: “We need legal binding accountability in all stages of policy for the places we are building and urgently retrofitting.  In order to be resilient to climate change and simultaneously level up on wellbeing outcomes, policy and practice must move beyond valiant target-setting. 

Power in Place published by The University of Manchester's policy engagement unit, Policy@Manchester

“We must now also require science-based estimates of proposal impact at the outset, then monitor progress objectively and collaboratively, requiring effective action when progress is off course.”

Dr Carl Emery and Louisa Dawes, from the Manchester Institute of Education based at the University, also participated in the roundtable.

They commented: “No matter where interest lies, it is clear that a standardised and one size fits all approach to alleviating poverty is not working.

“From an education perspective, an understanding of the local area, be it asset based in terms of business and facilities, or cultural and social, is key for schools to help shape students’ experiences and attitudes as well as building skills and expertise in their own communities, for their own communities.”

Aberconwy MP Robin Millar, who chaired the event, said: “We all recognise there are some huge socioeconomic challenges, and I am convinced a place-based lens brings an important, relevant perspective.

“As an MP in North Wales I recognise the huge difference between our coastal communities and the rural hinterland – and the importance of local and distinctive approaches for each.

“Unlocking this needs politicians who seek to listen, enable and empower rather than just hold onto old ideas and structures.”

Robin Millar, Member of Parliament for Aberconwy, addressing the Westminster event organised by Policy@Manchester 

Power in Place can be read and downloaded from the Policy@Manchester website.