MP visits pioneering University of Manchester energy research facility

Jo Gideon MP on a tour of The University of Manchester’s High Voltage Lab with Dr Vidyadhar Peesapati (right) and Dr Mads Huuse

Leading parliamentarian Jo Gideon has visited The University of Manchester to find out more about world leading energy research projects taking place at the Manchester Engineering Campus Development.

Ms Gideon met with Professor Mike Barnes, Head of the Power and Energy Division, and Professor Mads Huuse, Professor of Geophysics in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, to discuss the challenges around tackling the stability of national energy supply, the cost of energy and energy production, and decarbonisation as the UK progresses to net zero. 

She was also given a tour of the University’s High Voltage Lab, the biggest electrical infrastructure test and research facility in UK academia, by Dr Vidyadhar Peesapati, Senior Lecturer in High Voltage Engineering.

The Lab collaborates with small businesses, large industry organisations and governments worldwide, sharing its skills, knowledge, and equipment to apply research to real life problems – from creating fairer and greener energy, to accelerating the decarbonisation of electricity networks, and improving the design of high voltage overhead lines to increase transmission capacity.

Ms Gideon, the MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central, is a former Parliamentary Private Secretary of State in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and serves on the House of Commons public bill committee currently scrutinising the Energy Bill.

Professor Mike Barnes said: “It was a great pleasure to welcome Ms Gideon to the Manchester Engineering Campus Development.

“Our labs collaborate with small businesses, large industry organisations and governments worldwide, sharing our skills, knowledge and equipment to apply research to real life problems.

“Our work is helping to develop pathways to ensure a low carbon energy transition that will also drive jobs, prosperity, resilience and equality. 

“The University is proud to be taking on the challenge of meeting supply and demand, tackling climate change, and delivering answers to the biggest questions facing the future of our planet.

Jo Gideon MP in discussion with (from left to right) Dr Vidyadhar Peesapati, Professor Mike Barnes and Professor Mads Huuse during her visit to The University of Manchester   

“We are also monitoring the passage of the Energy Bill through Parliament and welcomed Ms Gideon’s special insights on this.”

Jo Gideon MP said: “I was pleased to meet with energy experts from The University of Manchester to discuss how their research is catalysing our net zero ambitions. 

“The work being done at the High Voltage Lab demonstrates how we can innovate at pace to meet our 2050 targets and train the next generation of engineers in sustainable and renewable energy supply.

“It is crucial to see the work being done to support decarbonisation first-hand, so we can address the energy challenges ahead. My thanks go to Professors Mike Barnes, Mads Huuse and Dr Vidyadhar Peesapati for this insightful tour.”

Ms Gideon’s visit was arranged by the University's policy engagement unit, Policy@Manchester, which aims to impact lives globally, nationally and locally through influencing and challenging policymakers with robust research-informed evidence and ideas. 

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