Manningham Housing Association (MHA) has been shortlisted for two UK Housing Awards.
The BME-led association, which manages more than 1,400 homes for 6,000 residents in Bradford and Keighley, is in the final running for the Neighbourhood Transformation Award as well as the coveted title of Landlord of the Year.
Now in their 25th year, the UK Housing Awards celebrate landlords who have gone above and beyond for their tenants across 19 categories.
Entries are judged by an esteemed panel of sector leaders, and shortlisted entrants including MHA have been invited to showcase their work next month as part of the final judging process.
The winners will be announced at a prestigious ceremony at the InterContinental London – The O2 on Thursday 25 November.
Ulfat Hussain
Ulfat Hussain, MHA Assistant Chief Executive and Director of Operations, said: “I am incredibly proud of the team who have worked so hard throughout the last 18 months to help residents and the surrounding communities cope with the immense challenges created by the pandemic.
“MHA’s shortlisting for the Neighbourhood Transformation Award is the result of our Building Bridges Bradford project which has sought to bolster community resilience and challenge racism, prejudice and community division through social action activities. It has also supported people affected by Covid including those experiencing mental health challenges, loss of income and isolation.
“As a relatively small housing association, being in the final running in the Landlord of the Year category is a huge achievement.
Barrington Billings
“MHA is a wonderful organisation doing remarkable work. I am thrilled that this has been recognised by the UK Housing Awards judges.”
Barrington Billings, MHA Chair, said: “This is great news and fully deserved.
“The team at every level have worked tirelessly to ensure the needs of all MHA residents have been catered for including during the periods of stringent lockdown.
“Initiatives such as Building Bridges Bradford have also made a major difference in providing much needed social contact for people of all ages, together with opportunities for physical exercise.
“Being shortlisted for two national awards underlines that MHA is now regarded as one of the outstanding housing associations in the country. This should be source of deep pride for all of our staff and residents.”