I was fortunate to be in Leeds yesterday for the launch of the Government's "Long Term Economic Plan for Yorkshire."
Fronted by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, what it lacked in a catchy title, it made up for in detail. Time - and the General Election - will tell whether it can be delivered.
However, we are regularly told that it's good to think "outside the box." And when it comes to this kind of high-minded activity, I can think of no better participant than Leeds City Council Chief Executive Tom Riordan, who was also in attendance yesterday .
Tom Riordan
Formerly boss of Yorkshire Forward, Tom is universally regarded as one the White Rose County's greatest thinkers. But unlike some of the others, Tom also possesses an equally "sophisticated" sense of humour (i.e. he is actually funny).
So, put these elements together and what do you have? That's right, "The Case For An Independent North by Tom Riordan - LIVE."
Click on THIS LINK and have a watch. They're five minutes you'll not regret giving up.