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It's Halloween today.  

I had actually forgotten until I spotted the spooky lady pictured below in our local Morrisons this morning.  (She was even scarier when she turned around).


Also, because it's Friday, it should be the final day of the school holidays.  But not in Leeds where a training day lies in wait on Monday.      

This is obviously a positive development for the kids.  Vanessa and I have two, a six-year-old boy and a little girl who turns four in December.  So we're off to Blackpool on Sunday to see the illuminations and stay the night before visiting an indoor water park the following morning.  

It's all good, other than the fact that much of Monday will therefore be spent away from the task of keeping VANBAR associates moving in the right direction.  

It's a challenge that will be familiar to many people running their own business. Finding time to take a break is always difficult.  And if you have kids, the task of arranging appropriate childcare for 13 weeks of the year (plus training days) can be a big one.

But whilst it can be expensive, it must be done.  

Being married to your business partner is certainly a bonus in this regard. Indeed, this week Vanessa and I could regularly be seen and heard doing our Chuckle Brothers "to me, to you" impersonation.  And in terms of looking after clients, our laptops and mobile phones have remained on throughout.    

Moving on and unless we're under water, we'll be contactable on Monday too. 

Happy Halloween!